1/365 Self-Portrait Challenge | It Starts

We finally have started it. We finally are going to take the steps to do it every single day! The first time that I tried to do a project like this, I got to day 3 and couldn't continue on. Pretty awful! 

This time around will be different. This time around we are doing it together and we will keep each other accountable at creating something every single day! Last night we started our project and created our first post. It isn't our normal style of lighting and editing or anything like that, but we needed to get a start in and force ourselves to get going. 

I feel like a ton will be learned on this project. I feel like there will be a lot of awesome things that come from this project. I am just excited to see what we will have in one year. It will be excited to see every single photo that we get from this. Can't wait to see it all. 

Here is day 1 of 365. Let's make this happen. The goal is to go beyond 365! 

We created an Instagram account just for our 365 project. You can follow it at @ernieandfiona365. Follow our other account at @ernieandfiona as well.