7/365 We were guests at a wedding this time

We have not been a guest in a wedding for 3 years since we normally are the ones that are taking the photos. We got the opportunity to sit back and enjoy this time around and it was pretty awesome. There were many times in the past that I thought I would be bored and couldn't enjoy a wedding as a guest, but we really loved it. 

We love shooting weddings and capturing the day for our friends and for other people, but it is always nice to be off the clock and enjoy the day with some of our good friends. Of course I was that guest with my iPhone camera taking a couple of images. I only took two photos though. One time when the photographers were not there and the other was when the pastor asked everyone to take their cameras out for their SECOND kiss. 

Here is our self-portrait and some of the photos from yesterday including those iPhone photos that I snuck in during the wedding.