C3 Live Band Photo Shoot - San Diego Portrait Session

If you were unaware, we are also the lead photographers for our church in San Diego at the North Campus. Our church worship team, C3 Live, put together an album and we were asked to record the live recording and we were also asked to photograph the band photo for the team.

Since we are a San Diego team, we wanted to showcase the team by the beach.

We loved being able to capture the images for the team and we love seeing our photos in the CD cover. The photos are also used around the digital files on Spotify and iTunes also, since people don't buy CDs anymore. 

We can't wait to do some creative things with the band and with this team. There is some exciting things that we will be doing soon! 

Purchase that Love So Wild album at Amazon! We do get some love if you do click on that link, so go ahead and just click on it :)