I think I found the new combination location that I love!!! Going to Marian Bear Park and then to La Jolla Cove right after is going to be a combo I will be doing a ton of moving forward!!!! We get the beautiful light with the trees at Marian Bear Park and we also get the amazing beach feel at La Jolla! It is the dream combo and shows how versatile San Diego can be!
Loved working with Cristina and Domnic during their engagement session. We were full of laughs throughout the day!! We are already thinking about our next shoot out in the sand dunes at some time! I am pretty sure Dominic is going to bring out the long sleeves for that one too! :)
I can’t believe that we get to live this life of capturing and creating breathtaking moments for people! Loving every step of this journey and bringing as many people on the ride with us!