san diego videography

Revolution Tour Highlight Video

The Revolution Tour is out in San Diego. The group is from New Zealand and they spread the word of HOPE around different schools and this is their first time in San Diego... basically their first time in the United States. They have been going around New Zealand and other areas for some time sharing their word. They teach against bullying in schools and their fresh word was brought out to the city of San Diego. We were able to follow them around and see their impact in the schools and with the different students.

Tonight will conclude their tour through San Diego with a Night Rally at C3 San Diego. We put together a quick recap for the tour that went through San Diego schools to show how much fun and how much of an impact it made for people.

At the end, you can see how many people would like to make a stand. We look forward to seeing what tonight has in store for the Night Rally concert.

San Diego Videography: Be Different | MyCity Youth new series

San Diego Videography: Be Still Photog | Ernie Padaon | Fiona Padaon Our church youth group is doing a new series that is called Be Different. It is a series that is calling the youth to stand out and to stand up. Instead of walking with the world and doing everything that other high school youth are doing, we want them to be different. We want the youth to go into schools on their first day of school and BE DIFFERENT.

Here is the video that we used to preview the series.

Schools will be opening up in the next week. They will be going back and dealing with the pressures of high school. The pressures of fitting in. The pressures of doing all the things that high school youth do.

Instead of doing what the youth and the world does, they should lean on the word of God.

The voice-over is a poem that was written and read by Destiny Macias. She is a phenomenal talent and we look forward to the amazing things that she does.

We loved creating this video with the 3 students and can't wait to see the movement that will take place with the youth in San Diego.

Be a world changer. Be the chosen one. Be the light on the hill.  BE DIFFERENT!


Fall Forward - Empower Yth Motivational Video - San Diego Videography  

San Diego videography - We created a motivational video for our youth conference and put together this piece. 


We created a motivational video for our Empower Youth conference that we took part of over the weekend. The video contains a speech that was cut up from Denzel Washington during a commencement at Penn.

I guess we would title the speech "Fall Forward". There are a few different cutup versions of this speech around the internet, but we decided to create our own for the conference.

We added the track Heart of Courage from Two Steps from Hell to the background to bring a bit more drama into the video and we just needed to collect some footage on the first day of the conference and get it all prepped for the 2nd day.We got those portions of the video set first. All the audio was created first, then we just place captured clips on the video.

I feel like I want to create more pieces like this in the future. It is awesome to share a great message to help motivate some people.The conference was amazing and we had a blast creating and capturing for it.

We look forward to doing more editing and San Diego videography in the future.

San Diego Videography : Ernie Padaon (Be Still Photog) | Eithel Krauss

Empower Youth 2015 Promo Video San Diego Videography.

We just created a promo video for our Empower Youth conference that will be going down next week in San Diego. When we created it, we showed it to the youth at church and kept it as a little surprise for some of the leaders that are on the video.


We are so excited for the conference and are looking forward to the amazing speakers that will be rolling through. We know that there will be a number of youth that will have their lives rocked because of the conference. We can't wait to see the movement that happens because of it.